Thursday, March 9, 2017

Lent Day 6 – Slow, Listen and Keep Going

There is a deep wisdom in fragility. I have the incredible privilege of walking with people in recovering from life’s most painful moments. As a therapist who works with people recovering from life’s deepest struggles and traumas I hear many stories of horror and triumph. I’m allowed to enter into the most fragile places of people’s experiences. Hidden in the midst of life’s fragility emerges profound wisdom for those willing to honestly go through the process. A man shared with me today about his adult daughter’s life-long struggle with a potentially fatal heart condition. He and his family have lived with the painfully delicate reality of her potentially fatal condition for many years. I asked him what the experience of his daughter’s condition taught him. He replied, “It taught me to hold tightly to faith.” I asked him what helped him grip his faith and he replied, “it taught me to slow down, listen closely and keep going.” He talked about having to rely on slowing down time, taking each moment to listen to the voice of God and focus on the step in front of him. He said he had to listen more closely to hear the words of love and assurance in the midst of scary and uncertain circumstances. He was also reminded that he just needed to keep going. Throughout his life he has experienced tremendous loss and his courage to remain humble, open and keep going is both baffling and inspiring. I want to be more like him. I want to be able to slow down, listen closely and keep going.

The wisdom of this incredible man was a great reminder today. As I slowed down and listened I heard the old familiar voices of “more” calling me. They were all telling me to do more, grab more, achieve more and get further ahead. As I heard the tempting voices of more, I was reminded of the wisdom of fragility and moved into less. Less busyness, less stress, less distraction and less worry. As I slowed down into less I heard the still small voice telling me that I’m right where I need to be. I’m no further ahead and certainly not behind. I’m right on time and where I need to be in life. My life was unfolding as it needed to be, not always how I wanted it to be. I was powerfully reminded that the Author and Editor of my compelling story is still writing and composing. He is still planning my next sentence and needs me to slow down so I can listen to the story of “me” He is telling the world. Once I’m listening to the Author of my story and realize it’s still unfolding as a great story of love and life, I simply keep going. So today, I fix my eyes on the greatest story-teller of all time, Jesus. I listen to the story He is telling with my life. And, in the midst of the fears, frustrations and challenges, I keep going (Hebrews 12:1-3).  

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