Monday, March 13, 2017

Lent Day 12 – Rhythms and Chin-Wags

Today was off from our “normal” routine. Last night was brutal. A sick 5 year old and a restless 2 year old made for a very, very long night. Our rhythm is to gather with our church family on Sunday mornings. We are “church-going folk” and Sunday mornings we don’t have to think of something to do, we already know what to do. It’s actually nice to not have to plan. This morning was different. Our clocks got pushed ahead an hour and sleep got pushed aside. We didn’t do our normal thing. We didn't get to church. Strangely though, today felt incredibly normal.
After a morning of marvelously doing nothing, I couldn’t take it anymore. I was going stir-crazy and needed to get out. The sun was bright and the temperature was set to heaven’s thermometer (75 degrees). My wife and I took the kids to a huge local park. We took our sweet time and played around. We went to this particular park for its fossil exhibit. The kids loved it and our hurried life was slowed to whatever. Though it wasn't routine, it all felt normal, or as it should be.
God created and He set an incredibly strong importance on the seventh day. God sets it apart as a day of rest. The seventh day is a day to enjoy, relax, notice. It is a day to stop reset and re-create. We happen to be participating in the recreation. We were swinging, sliding, spotting fish in the pond and hunting fossils. We were together and connected. It was great.
During our time at the park we happened upon a guy sitting with his enormous black lab. After having lost our yellow lab a couple months ago, we asked if we could pet the dog. My wife noticed the man’s Australian accent and we began a lengthy conversation. We actually had a very “abnormal” conversation for two strangers. We talked in depth about religion, politics, relationships and culture. I mentioned I was a Christian and he mentioned he wasn’t. Our difference was no barrier or hick-up in the conversation. He paid me a great compliment, and I him. He said, “I really, really like Jesus and I really like the way you talk about him.” I said the exact same thing back to him. He had amazingly keen insight. He said, “What I like about Jesus is that he was preoccupied with people who needed the help he could provide. He never seemed to be too pre-occupied with what Christians seem to be all worked up today about.” I couldn’t agree more. As we said our goodbyes he also said, “I really appreciated the chin-wag!” That is Australian for conversation. I certainly appreciated our chin-wag, as well.

Today was a timely reminder. God has created a rhythm in time and when we step to the beat of His music we enter into His life, the life all around us. Today, as I had a day of recreation, I encountered God-life is hanging out with my wife and kids. I also encountered God in a chin-wag with an Australian. God is at work, even when His creation is at rest. Today I seek to respect the created order, rhythms and life-giving necessity of rest.

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